Category Archives: Music


What a time to be both a Harry Potter fan and a Hufflepuff, am I right?

Last night at the MTV Movie Awards we were given a teaser trailer for Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. But let’s be real, this definitely felt more like a trailer than just a teaser. And I am not even mad about it.

I honestly, have no words. So here is the trailer below. Alos, peep that classic HP score that they jazzed up for this movie!

Fantastic Beasts hits theater November 16, 2016.

David Bowie and My Nerdy Ties: A Nerd’s Tribute/Hug to the Thin White Duke

David Bowie is no longer with us.

I’m a Black Star by Helen Green
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I am not ok. I’m kind of writing this for me, but I’m putting it out there as place to grieve.

I’ve not been blessed with the ability to see him perform…and now I never will. I cried this morning when I found out. He just had his 69th birthday on the 8th. Like, I’m flabbergasted. I kept having to go back and edit tense from present to past…WTF?! Lemmy, Bradbury, and now David Bowie?!?! As a person who loved alt rock (punk/metal with Lemmy, ska with Bradbury, and glam with David), losing three people who are icons in less than three weeks…crap!

I thought it might be ok for me to share some of my favorite slightly-nerdy-but-very-Bowie-related moments:

1). Under Pressure


Because as a music nerd: this song is everything. My husband I sing this song all the time. They’re both great vocalists, and were visual artists. Freddie Mercury is my all-time favorite vocalists, and this song was always just perfect!

2). Nikola Tesla in The Prestige


Remember that time Batman fought against Wolverine with magic? And Alfred was helping Wolverine, and Black Widow was there too?!?! Well, so was Jareth…only as Nikola-f**king-Tesla!!! I like this movie a LOT! And the random surprise of David Bowie being in it always makes me grin!

3). That Time He Got to Act With the Muppets


Obviously, Labyrinth is on this list. It wasn’t a part of my childhood because I just didn’t see it. I saw it in college because my best friend showed it to me. And like most ladies, Jareth crush for all time. The hair. The eyeshadow. The Goblin King’s goblin (because I’m not going to be a liar). LOL! This is pretty much what I plan on watching today too. Soooo…

4). Zoolander Walk-Off


Fashion! Few musicians are as fashionable as Bowie. He married Iman, a model, and they were both happy, and gorgeous and out of this ‘effing world!!! That said, I still can’t think of a male musician more fashionable than him. So, in Zoolander, who else but David could judge the walk? NO ONE!!!

5). Forever Cosplaying His Own Characters/Himself

Bowie Over the Years by Helen Green
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Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Thin White Duke…the man was a musical genius and a gorram chameleon. Not merely monikers, but, other versions of himself come out to play in musical form! I mean: So many musicians have him to thank, from Madonna to Lady Gaga: he was the King of reinvention!

6). David Bowie and Vince Noir


I’m pretty sure Vince Noir is equal parts Noel Fielding, and his obsession with musicians. Most especially, David Bowie. Both have this wicked androgynous hotness (yes! HOT!) and have great outfits they could only pull off.

7). As the Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent (Venture Bros.)

So, technically David Bowie did not voice himself in the show. BUT, making him the leader (and a genius villain) of an organization that provides nemesis’ to the world’s do-gooders was brilliant! This just made so much sense!!! Like, if you want to see this episode it’s on Hulu, Season 2, Episodes 12 and 13! It also has Iggy Pop and Klaus Nomi. Their voices are (of course) impersonated. But it was a great moment in the show!

8). Lord Royal Highness


Spongebob Squarepants knows it’s royals, and Lord Royal Highness was voiced by Bowie. Him being in a cartoon is always great…even if the particular episode isn’t.

9). Moulin Rouge (& Star Wars…kind of)


From the beginning of the movie we can see Bowie’s singing on Nature Boy (with Massive Attack). This song has a beautiful and haunting feel. Additionally, the ladies in the Moulin Rouge are also called the Diamond Dogs. Moreover, “Heroes” is beautifully played in the Elephant Love Medley!
Now you may be asking: “yes, yes, but what about Star Wars?” Well, the set upon which Moulin Rouge was shot was torn down to make way for Star Wars Ep. II: Attack of the Clones! So…6 degrees!
The movie is filled with glam rock references! And like the next bullet point, stars Ewan McGregor.

10). Velvet Goldmine
Velvet Goldmine which is loosely based/fan-fictiony story of Iggy Pop and David Bowie. It also stars Ewan McGregor as the Iggy-inspired Curt Wilde and Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the Bowie-esque Brian Slade (pictured). It’s such a beautiful, 90’s-meets-the-70’s glam-rock, music video tribute of a movie! The soundtrack is amazing, and the costumes are some of my major cosplay goals! I don’t care if no one knows who I’ll be!


11). Guardians of the Galaxy


Moonage Daydream was perfectly placed in the most perfect of soundtracks yet to be created. The second I heard the guitar riff in the theater, I got chills! You can’t make a movie in/about space without David Bowie (/Ziggy Stardust). So say we all!

I’m sorry if this was a bit a long, but I wanted to get this out. I’m so sad and devastated by this, and the knowledge that I won’t get to see him live. But, I am glad that I get to remember him, and think of him fondly not just when listening to music, but, in other mediums such a movie, TV, and even cartoons.

Thank you Mr. Bowie! Thank you for the music you made, and the things you made us feel that no musician before you had before, and that no other musician will!



This post was originally posted on my personal blog Joie Fatale, which you can check  out here.

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS – Soundtrack Breakdown

Star Wars: The Force Awakens had a lot great moments. From certain scenes, which we covered here, to our favorite characters throughout the film to the random aliens seen on Jakku, it was all a pretty memorable experience and one not to be missed on the big screen. So far I’ve seen the film 11 times and with each viewing, it seems to just get better and better. I’ve noticed most of the little things, caught all the cameos, memorized lines, and have recognized musical queues.

The Force Awakens soundtrack is probably my favorite soundtrack out of all 7 films. Yep. Confirming that here. It’s wonderful and I’ve been listening to it nonstop since December 17th. It’s such a great piece of work by John Williams. Some may have not liked it as much at first, but once you take it in, song by song, you start to see the genius behind the soundtrack and how truly beautiful it is. Everyone has their own favorites, most being ‘Rey’s Theme’. *raises hand* But the other tracks are just so amazing that I thought I would breakdown each and every one in one post. I thought if I shared my thoughts on each track, maybe someone hesitant would come around to know and cherish John William’s latest masterpiece. Also I just really love this album, so why not use it as an excuse to write?


#1 – Main Title And The Attack On The Jakku Village

The familiar sound of the opening title was probably, hands down, one of the most exciting parts of the film. It’s the sound we all grew up to love and the song that the world would recognize as the iconic Star Wars theme. It soon transitions into ‘The Attack On The Jakku Village’ which is such a wonderful piece in itself. Between the First Order making their first appearance to when Kylo leaves the shuttle for the first time, it all blends together so perfectly. I love this track so much, mainly due to it feeling like Kylo’s theme in certain spots.

#2 – The Scavenger

Probably my second or third favorite track on The Force Awakens album, ‘The Scavenger’ is all about, you guessed it, Rey! It’s so soft and really gives you a feel for the environment that Rey is used to and also a sense for her longing of her parents. It’s put together so well and it blends in Rey’s theme (which we’ll get too in a moment) with a few other familiar Star Wars tunes, making this track even more memorable in my eyes.

#3 – I Can Fly Anything

This track will make any Poe and/or Finn fan happy. This is the track that leads the duo as they escape from the Star Destroyer and head for the planet of Jakku to grab Poe’s beloved droid, BB-8. It’s a huge, action packed scene! It’s full of suspense, humor, and fun. You never know what’s going to happen to them next and this track helps keep you on the edge of your seat. What’s show on screen mixed with this track is nothing short of amazing Star Wars. I just… I have a soft spot for this whole scene. The interactions between Poe and Finn… it hits me right in the feels!

#4 – Rey Meets BB-8

This is a really short but sweet track. It’s the first time Rey gets to know BB-8 after Teedo try to scavenge him for parts. It’s only 1:33, but it’s very light and really encapsulates Rey and her personality while giving off hints of a bigger adventure at hand.

#5 – Follow Me

This scene, this track, my heart! This is the moment when Rey starts to leave her life on Jakku behind. The moment she realizes that there may be worse to fear than Unkar and his hoarding of portions. It’s such a fast paced, funny, and climactic scene. Just listening to it gets my adrenaline rushing! We see Jakku across a wide plain, see how bad the First Order wants Finn, and now Rey, as they blow up anything near the two. Rey also leads Finn and BB-8 inside the Millennium Falcon to give it a go, which leads us into the track after the next.

#6 – Rey’s Theme

‘Rey’s Theme’ is such a special track and is easily my favorite out of them all. I remember hearing this on screen for the first time and thinking “It sounds nothing like Star Wars, yet it sounds everything like Star Wars.” It’s very different than our usual tracks and that’s a great thing! It breathes fresh air into the system and gives Rey one of the most memorable tracks in Star Wars history. It breathes adventure, kindness, the unknowing of it all, and love. I can’t say enough things about this specific track other than to listen to it and love it.

#7 – The Falcon

Follow Me leads right into this scene, so you can imagine the imagery depicted on screen. (Which I’m sure you have because everyone has seen this film so far.) It’s quite the treat to watch too! This is definitely one of the more action packed tracks on The Force Awakens list. It’s the track that leads Rey, Finn, and BB-8 to escape from the clutches of the First Order and take that piece of garbage Millennium Falcon for a spin. I’m sure you’ve seen the movie already, but the whole scene is so attention grabbing. It’s done so well and keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. This track captures all of that so well and gets you so hyped to watch The Force Awakens again.

#8 – The Girl With The Staff

Another song that encompasses Rey perfectly. This is when the action has settled for the time being and Rey and Finn are able to properly introduce themselves. It’s a sweet moment that soon cuts away to First Order madness, but soon returns with our next track, which is another action packed on full of alien creatures. And Han Solo.

#9 – The Rathtars!

Upon our reunion with Han and Chewie, we learn that he is in fact hauling Rathtars. Don’t know what Rathtars are? Here you go:rathtar-star-wars-the-force-awakens-octopus-monster1Scary, right? Rey tries to help this situation by trapping two gangs that are aboard the First Order ship to kill Han Solo, but instead unleash the Rathtars and all their wrath upon everyone aboard. It’s a really fun scene and I’m so glad J.J. decided to keep the Rathtars in the film because they look really awesome and it’s nice to see another species in the Star Wars universe.

#10 – Finn’s Confession

This comes right into play as Finn confesses to Rey that he is not apart of the Resistance and is only a Stormtrooper, trying his best to run away from the First Order. It’s really soft track that fits in the setting of Maz Kanata’s castle so well. It sounds sweet, but also as if all hope is lost. This soon leads into…

#11 – Maz’s Counsel

This iconic scene. The track is a light one but has so much power within it. From Rey having the lightsaber call to her to herself leaving to the woods, never to touch the lightsaber again. It’s all powerful stuff and, character wise, very important decisions are made in the next few scenes. This is also the first time we’re all like “REY IS SO A JEDI AHHHHHHH! SHE’S TOTALLY FORCE SENSITIVE FOR REAL ALSO WAS THAT YODA AND OBI-WAN’S VOICE I HEAR??”

#12 – The Starkiller

Ugh, my heart! This track leads the (very awesome, if I do say so myself) speech by General Hux as he talks to a vast army of people about how the First Order will remain supreme by taking charge and using Starkiller Base to destroy multiple planets nearby, one of which houses the Republic. We’re never quite sure which planets are destroyed, but it flashes back to A New Hope and the dread that Leia felt… but 10x worse. The Starkiller is a very sad sounding track and you can just tell when the people of the Republic starts to worry. My heart still breaks at this scene every single

#13 – Kylo Ren Arrives At The Battle

The battle at Maz’s castle is one of the most exciting scenes in the entire film. Between Rey learning more about using her blaster to Finn wielding a lightsaber to fight the riot trooper, it’s all very, very exciting. Also terrifying. Thanks to two people Maz had been housing, the First Order AND the Resistance were called their to gather BB-8. Kylo Ren actually arrives first with his badass shuttle, which leads us too…

#14 – The Abduction

Kylo capturing Rey. Kylo senses that Rey has seen the last missing piece of the map that BB-8 has been holding and decides to take her instead of keeping his search for the droid alive. This song is another feel puncher because of the sadness in Finn as he sees Rey being carried by Kylo into his shuttle. I can’t bear to watch this scene cause of the pain on Finn’s face. Mix that with this track and you’ve got one emotional scene.

#15 – Han And Leia

Probably the most talked about track since the track list was leaked before the film ever came out, Han and Leia manages to capture the feeling of a long past between Han and Leia, one that may have been rocky, but manages to still feel real to this day. It’s a sweet track mixed with a little bit of a Resistance theme as the helpers exit the Resistance transporter. It also has a bit of a “Kylo isn’t evil, blame Snoke” feel to it.

#16 – March Of The Resistance

This track is definitely one of my favorites out of the bunch and seems to be one of everyone else’s too. It’s very iconic, inspiring, brave, all those things that the Resistance is. Also during this time, Finn and Poe are reunited and have the most adorable exchange. That and the fact that the Resistance are finally starting to get their endgame together and are soon ready to fight the First Order and destroy Starkiller Base.

#17 – Snoke

This is definitely my least favorite track on the album. It wasn’t because it outright horrible, just wasn’t one I felt I could listen too on repeat, like Rey’s Theme for example. It’s definitely a song meant for that specific scene and nothing more. It sets the tone that Snoke is a God of sorts, if you will. It sounds ancient, thousands of years old, like the sounds Snoke’s servants would probably hum to his request. It’s interesting and worked perfect for his few scenes. (If it even played for all of Snoke’s scene. Honestly, at eleven times, I still can’t remember.) Like I said, I didn’t hate it, just wasn’t as rememberable as the other 22. But still quite good in my opinion.

#18 – On The Inside

The title is semi-self explanatory. This track is what follows Han, Finn, and Chewie as they make their way into Starkiller Base, throw Phasma into a trash compactor and try to save the already saved Rey. It’s a fun track with suspense thrown in here and there. Also Kylo comes through a lot in this track. You can just hear his personality in certain sections. It’s unique little things like that that make you really appreciate the soundtracks even more

#19 – Torn Apart

By far the most heartbreaking song on the entire album. It’s the worst scene in the film, one I wish would’ve never happened, one I loved, but hated. Yeah. All those things. But with that being said, ‘Torn Apart’ is also one of my favorites on this soundtrack. It’s so hopeful, yet tragic. Beautiful in all kinds of ways and certainly memorable. Yes, it kills me to think back to this scene and experiencing it for the first time. ‘Torn Apart’ added so much depth this heartbreaking scene between Kylo and Ben, it just goes to show that that scene wouldn’t have been the same without it.

#20 – The Ways Of The Force

Ready for a kick ass track that’ll make you feel as if you could conquer the world? Here you go. ‘The Ways Of The Force’ is the track that leads us into the beautiful and awe-inspiring lightsaber battle between Finn and Kylo and then Rey and Kylo. It’s so well done. I don’t have the time to write why this scene was done SO well. Between the lightsabers themselves to the lighting to the pacing, everything really, was so beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes away and I still get chills every single time, especially as the lightsaber flies to Rey’s hands. It’s one of those scenes where you know it’ll go down in history as that Star Wars scene. No matter what you thought of the rest of the film, you have to admit that this particular scene was super amazing and great and and- let me stop myself before I hyperventilate. Just know, this song is ace!

#21 – Scherzo For X-Wings

I like to call this Poe’s X-Wing theme because all hope seems lost during this scene till an opening in Starkiller Base allows for Poe to help dismantle the planet and bring it down for good. It’s a really exciting scene full of beautiful X-Wings and space battles. It’s exactly the kind of scene I was hoping for in The Force Awakens and I was far from let down. I just love the whole damn thing, okay?

#22 – Farewell And The Trip

Okay, now we’re getting to my favorite scene. It’s a little after this track and I’m sure you all know what it is by now, but lets just try to focus on this for now. Farewell plays perfectly as Rey goes to the Resistance Base and says her goodbyes to Finn and General Organa as she embarks on another life changing journey. The Trip portion comes in as she’s aboard the Millennium Falcon with Chewie, making their way onto the island that inhabits… LUKE! This track builds up to this so perfectly. It gives you all the feels and makes you feel super excited for what’s to come.

#23 – The Jedi Steps And Finale

THIS TRACK IS SO GOOD, YOU GUYS! I love The Jedi Steps so much as this was my all time favorite scene in The Force Awakens. It’s Rey on her journey to the top of this mountain on the island of a planet where Luke’s whereabouts are shown to be. The music is so magical as Rey climbs the literal Jedi steps and comes across Luke at the top. I get so emotional listening to this track but it brings me nothing but happiness and excitement. Luke is my all time favorite Star Wars characters and definitely the one I was looking forward too most in this new film. Seeing him again cause me so much happiness. I was a crying mess and this track perfectly fits the scene. I just want to watch this scene over and over again. Yes, it ends on a cliff hanger which goes into the Finale. But it’s so perfect. So, so perfect.

What’s your favorite song off The Force Awakens soundtrack?


It’s finally release day for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 score! It seems like the day would never come here, especially after seeing the film, but the beautiful score by James Newton Howard is now available for all to hear. And trust me, tears will be shed.

Here’s the track listing:

1. Prim Visits Peeta 1:25
2. Send Me To District 2 2:09
3. Go Ahead, Shoot Me 4:58
4. Stowaway 3:36
5. Your Favorite Color is Green 2:25
6. Transfer Command 8:14
7. Your Next Step 2:30
8. The Holo 3:47
9. Sewer Attack 8:00
10. I Made It Up 1:28
11. Mandatory Evacuation 3:14
12. Rebels Attack 5:17
13. Snow’s Mansion 5:16
14. Symbolic Hunger Games 2:08
15. Snow’s Execution 1:57
16. Plutarch’s Letter 3:01
17. Buttercup 1:09
18. Primrose 3:16
19. There Are Worse Games To Play /Deep In The Meadow / The Hunger Games Suite (feat. Jennifer Lawrence)

bff950034cdff7e81db2d8706525b318The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 soundtrack is now available!

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 8-CD Box Set By Varèse Sarabande

One Two Freddy’s coming for you…

Varèse Sarabande A Nightmare on Elm Street CD Box Set

Varèse Sarabande Records has announced the greatest thing ever for all A Nightmare on Elm Street fans! They are taking pre-orders for their A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 8-CD box set wich is set to be released on October 16, 2015!

This limited edition (only 2000 copies) 8-CD box set will include the soundtracks to every single original film in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. It will also included the soundtrack to Freddy Vs. Jason. This amazing box set will include over eight hours of music and will include almost three hours of bonus tracks. New artwork has also been created for the set by artist Shawn Conn and the set comes with a knitted trademark Freddy sweater to help keep it warm.

Also included in this set is a suite from the video game featured in the film Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare! Now that’s playing with power!!

Varèse Sarabande A Nightmare on Elm Street CD Box Set

Varèse Sarabande A Nightmare on Elm Street CD Box Set

And now check out the track list:
Wes Craven’s A Nightmare On Elm Street
Music Composed by Charles Bernstein
1. Prologue (:34)
2. Main Title (3:32)
3. Laying The Traps (2:06)
4. Dream Attack (1:20)
5. Rod Hanged / Night Stalking (4:44)
6. Jail Cell (1:13)
7. Confrontation (1:41)
8. Sleep Clinic (2:25)
9. Terror In The Tub (:59)
10. No Escape (2:15)
11. School Horror / Stay Awake (4:02)
12. Lurking (1:02)
13. Telephone Terror (1:08)
14. Fountain Of Blood (1:03)
15. Evil Freddy (:50)
16. Final Search (3:57)
17. Run Nancy (1:08)

18. Horror Movie (source cue) (:43)
19. Nancy Glen (2:30)
20. Funeral (:56)
21. Freddy’s Hat (:59)
22. Bridge Talk (1:08)
23. Bars On Windows (1:00)
24. Freddy’s Glove (:22)
25. Dad At Glen’s (:45)
26. Boiler Room (1:22)
27. Show Yourself (:45)
28. Morning After (1:23)
29. Stingers (:46)

30. Freddy #1 (mono) (3:32)
31. Weird #1 (stereo) (2:59)
32. Chase #1 (stereo) (1:06)
33. Chase #2 (mono) (2:10)
34. Rhythm #1 (stereo) (1:30)
35. Theme Sketch (stereo) (1:55)
36. Concert Overture: A Nightmare On Elm Street – Charles Bernstein (Composer’s Home Mockup Sketch, Summer 2015) (stereo) (5:25

A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge
Music Composed and Orchestrated by Christopher Young
1. Main Title (2:32)
2. …And Leave The Driving To Us (2:01)
3. Furnace Flare-Up (2:17)
4. Kissing Freddy On The Catwalk (3:21)
5. Chest-Burster (3:53)
6. Jump Rope (1:45)
7. Fire Bird (3:12)
8. Dream Heat (1:11)
9. Necromancer’s Spell (2:31)
10. “Kill For Me” (2:35)
11. Sports Attack / Threatening Angela (2:35)
12. Freed Of Her (1:29)
13. Snake-In-The-Class (:56)

BONUS/UNRELEASED (mono & stereo)
14. The Horror In My Head (1:29)
15. Wake Up (1:48)
16. My Sick Toaster (1:31) (stereo)
17. Any Dream Will Do (:39) (stereo)
18. Daymare (:42) (stereo)
19. Splashdead (:26)
20. Which Witness (1:39)
21. Not Again (2:04)
22. Wrong Turn Right (2:34)
23. Head On Fire (1:12)
24. Feet On Fire (1:22)
25. Sting Thing #1 (:20)
26. Sting Thing #2 (:28)
27. Sting Thing #3 (:22)
28. Sting Thing #4 (:18)
29. Hells Bells (:12)
30. Nightmare On Elm Street Suite – “Suite Dreams” (15:49) (stereo)

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Music Composed By Angelo Badalamenti
1. Opening (1:52)
2. Puppet Walk (3:19)
3. Save The Children (1:24)
4. Taryn’s Deepest Fear (2:48)
5. Deceptive Romance (2:47)
6. Snake Attack (1:46)
7. Magic Butterfly (1:21)
8. The Embrace (:43)
9. Quiet Room / Wheelchair / Icy Bones (2:42)
10. Rumbling Room (1:15)
11. Dreamspace (:46)
12. The Dream House (2:02)
13. Is Freddy Gone? / Trouble Starting / Prime Time TV / Icy Window (4:38)
14. Grave Walk (1:14)
15. Nursery Theme (1:56)
16. Light’s Out (:57)

17. Main Title (Film Version) (2:18)
18. Dreaming / Basement Chase (4:05)
19. Bathroom Attack / Computer (1:41)
20. The Snake (Film Version) (2:14)
21. Sleepwalk (Film Version) (3:38)
22. Prime Time (:26)
23. Junkyard Intro / Mom’s Head (1:33)
24. Alley Part A / Alley Part B (Film Version) (2:11)
25. Freddy Hell (2:56)
26. Skeleton Fight / Mirrors (1:20)
27. Dad Descends / Nancy Dies (2:24)

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Music Composed By Craig Safan
1. Kristen’s Haunted Dream (3:47)
2. Freddy’s Back (4:29)
3. Kincaid Killed In Junkyard (1:32)
4. Joey’s Wet Dream (1:43)
5. Drugged To Death (3:21)
6. Alice Lured Into Dream (2:29)
7. Rick’s Kung Fu Death (3:20)
8. Freddy’s Pizza Restaurant (1:59)
9. Debbie Checks In / Time Circles (4:25)
10. Sheila Sucks Face (2:52)
11. Dreamspace (1:40)
12. Freddy’s Calliope (1:54)
13. Alice Battles Freddy (3:56)
14. Corpus Krueger (3:12)

15. Locker Scare / Boiler Scare / Bug Scare / Daydream B (1:14)
16. Alice At Mirror / Mom Discovers Joey / Kristen Faints / Freddy As Nurse / Daytime House (2:25)
17. Alice Looks At Sidewalk / Kristen Dies Part D / Burning Bed / Alice Smokes In Bathroom (1:54)
18. Alice Laments / Sleep Clinic / Daydream C (2:12)
19. Freddy Reflection / Alice Wakes / Mind Over Matter / Hospital Arrival (1:52)
20. Resurrection (songtrack album score suite) (stereo) (2:57)

A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Music Composed by Jay Ferguson
1. Prologue – Elm Street Kids (:48)
2. Main Title (3:22)
3. “It’s A Boy!” (:59)
4. Freddy Delivers (1:18)
5. Family Plot (1:32)
6. Yvonne Takes The Plunge (:54)
7. Mr. Sandman, Bring Me A Dream (1:17)
8. Don’t Dream And Drive (1:44)
9. Like Father, Like Son (2:02)
10. Mark Visits Elm Street (1:43)
11. Hell On Wheels (2:10)
12. Another Brick In The Wall (1:30)
13. Stuffed / Choked (Gag Me With A Spoon) (1:32)
14. Shower (:43)
15. The Asylum (1:13)
16. There Was A Crooked Man (1:51)
17.Freddy’s Stroller (1:22)
18. Super Freddy (1:17)
19. Twins (1:15)
20. Freddy Cuts Up (1:47)
21. Mr. And Mrs. Jordan (1:47)
22. Party At Club Fred (1:27)
23. Amanda’s Tune (1:23)
24. Jacob’s Story (1:00)
25. Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered (1:15)
26. Don’t Look Down (:46)
27. St. Elm Street’s Child (1:59)
28. Toys For Tots (1:19)
29. I’ve Got You Under My Skin (:54)
30. Kicking And Screaming (1:03)
31. Womb With A V.U. (1:52)

32. Nightmare Theme Insert A (:15)
33. Nightmare Theme Insert B (:37)
34. Bed Fred Sting (:05)
35. Wake Up (:23)

36. New Line Logo / Main Title (Film Version) (3:22)
37. Rape / Bed Fred / Freddy Sting (:39)
38. Elm Street Kids (2:07)
39. Delivery Room (Birth) (1:44)
40. Crash / You Are Pregnant (1:55)
41. Jacob / Greta’s Room (1:31)
42. Greta’s Room Reprise (1:25)
43. Mark’s World Continued / Jacob Wait / Resolute Mark (1:25)
44. The Womb / Keep The Baby (1:23)
45. Greta’s Doll (1:00)
46. Yvonne Goes To The Asylum (2:22)

Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare
Music Composed and Conducted by Brian May
1. Opening Titles (1:32)
2. Main Title (2:18)
3. Doc’s Dream Theory (1:51)
4. John’s Eyeball (1:16)
5. Maggie’s First Dream (:52)
6. Wizard Of Odd (:39)
7. The Dream Continues (:42)
8. John’s Dream (1:27)
9. Crossing The Line (:34)
10. No Kids At The Fair (2:02)
11. Map Hell (1:02)
12. Freddy “101” (1:59)
13. There’s No Way Out (1:41)
14. Checking Out The House (1:11)
15. Mama’s Q-Tip (:37)
16. Freddy Wins (:51)
17. I Hate This House (2:35)
18. Back With Doc (1:38)
19. Defend Myself (1:42)
20. Maggie Faces Freddy (3:31)
21. Tracy’s Dad (1:29)
22. Tracy And Freddy’s Fight (1:14)
23. It’s Me Or Him (2:41)
24. Freddy’s Dad (1:02)
25. Freddy Is Made Forever (:29)
26. Freddy Into Reality (2:05)
27. It’s Me or Him II (1:38)
28. Happy Father’s Day (4:17)

29. Little Girl On Place / Awakening I (:42)
30. Going My Way / John On The Bus (1:06)
31. Slam Dunk / Van To Fair / Jesus (1:15)
32. Tracy Finds Hearing Aid (:30)
33. The Orphanage (1:09)
34. Maggie Sees Watertower / Trying To Save Spencer / Inside Spencer’s Dream / Freddy Wins Spencer B / Spencer’s Fall (1:15)
35. Freddy Gets John’s Soul (1:08)
36. Doc Looks For Tracy / Freddy Out / The Dream People (1:16)
37. Video Game Suite (Ashley Irwin) (1:31)

Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
Original Score Written and Produced by J. Peter Robinson
1. Opening & Theme (Overlay) (1:10)
2. Claw Attack (1:26)
3. Chase And Heather (1:15)
4. Wall Scratches & Theme (Overlay) (:39)
5. Freddy Calls ((:35)
6. TV Show Source (:59)
7. Freddy’s Back & Theme (Overlay) (:46)
8. Dylan / Rex Saved Me / Heather Explains / Bedtime Story (5:53)
9. Chase’s Blues (:48)
10. Chase Gets The Claw (:42)
11. Police (2:14)
12. Funeral Part A & B (3:01)
13. Nosebleed (2:44)
14. The Park (1:12)
15. Dylan Meets God (2:36)
16. Painting At Robert Englunds Part A & B (2:58)
17. Dylan Attacks Heather (2:01)
18. Tongue (:27)
19. Childhood Schizophrenia (1:21)
20. Odyssey (1:56)
21. Wes & Theme (Overlay) (3:30)
22. Miss Me??!! (1:07)
23. Oxygentyten (2:07)
24. Everything Is NOT Fine (2:47)
25. Julie Killed (3:56)
26. Freebfleg (3:36)
27. Transformation / Emergence & Theme (Overlay) (3:15)
28. Breadcrumbs (3:40)
29. Dylan / Eels / Chasing Dylan / Heather To Rescue / Explosions (9:09)
30. Read Me A Story & Theme Overlay / End Credits (9:24)

Freddy Vs. Jason
Music Composed by Graeme Revell
1. Nightmare Theme / Boiler Room / Freddy Recap † (4:13)
2. Make Em Remember (1:22)
3. Outside The Window (:35)
4. Lights Out (:37)
5. Open Back Door (1:05)
6. Gibbs Shower, Trey Gets Killed (1:08)
7. Police Station (1:13)
8. Girl With No Eyes (3:07)
9. Blake Meets Freddy (1:19)
10. Dad Loses Head (:15)
11. Psych Ward At Night (:40)
12. Orange Juice (:57)
13. Lori Passes Out (:24)
14. Mark Hassles Lori (:40)
15. Got Your Nose (:52)
16. Run From School (:13)
17. Library / Will And Mark In Van (2:41)
18. Gibb In The Cornfield / Into The Silo (1:40)
19. Gibb Meets Freddy (1:14)
20. Jason Sees Raver (1:25)
21. Pig To Fuck (1:36)
22. I Was There Lori (2:33)
23. Bathtub / Mark Dies (3:09)
24. You Understand (:26)
25. French Kiss (1:46)
26. Security Control Room (1:46)
27. Stoner Bug (:54)
28. Destroying Hypnocil (:56)
29. Attack in Control Room† (2:48)
30. Jason’s First Dream† (:56)
31. Dream Fight Part A (:34)
32. Dream Fight Part B (:31)
33. Jason’s Weakness (1:10)
34. Jason Unmasked (3:47)
35. Freddy Gets Young Jason (3:27)
36. Wake Up Lori (1:47)
37. Jason Goes After Freddy (:57)
38. Linderman Dies (:42)
39. Man The Torpedoes (2:41)
40. The Dock (2:33)
41. Freddy Dies / Finale † (3:44)

†Includes Friday The 13th Jason Vocal Effects – Composed by Harry Manfredini, Performed by Machine Head

Varèse Sarabande A Nightmare on Elm Street CD Box Set

Varèse Sarabande has started to take pre-orders for the A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 8-CD box set. The boxed set will ship on October 16, 2015


Harley Quinn

I am sitting in my chair giddy with excitement and I bet so are you!! Mondo just announced the greatest thing EVER! A BATMAN: The Animated Series vinyl box set!


Last year at San Diego Comic Mondo released the opening and ending credits of BATMAN: The Animated Series on 7″ vinyl featuring 5 different sleeves and thanks to fellow TNR Travis, he grabbed me all 5. This year they stepped it up and  this set will include the complete score from all 16 episodes on 8 discs.


Check out the gorgeous artwork that was created by Justin Erickson of Phantom City Creative. I think Mr. Freeze is my favorite of all the artwork shown.

Just look at the set! It’s just so damn beautiful. Sadly, there will only be 1,200 available.

The Joker

That very limited number scares me but you know damn well I am going to try for it. Pre orders will take place on November 18th and you will have to stalk their twitter for the official sale time.

Batman: The Animated Series Vinyl Box Set 
8 x 180 Gram 12″ LPs Housed in a Heavy Weight Box Set
Contains Complete Score for 16 Episodes of the Classic Animated Series
Original artwork created by Justin Erickson of Phantom City Creative
Contains Six 4×6 Screen-printed Handbills
Available for Pre-Order November 18th
Edition of 1,200 – $225

Be sure to check out Mondo for the complete track list and to see more artwork!