Until Dawn (A Scaredy Cat Video Game Review)

Until Dawn ButterflyEffect

For those of you on a newer generation console, you know the struggle for a multi-player game is real. And today I am NOT reviewing a multiplayer game either. Well, not technically.

However, I will say one thing: Until Dawn is a GREAT survival game, made better if played by you and your partner or at least one other person! And, possibly more epic as a drinking game. Yes. A Drinking Game.

Until Dawn is a horror survival game with a dash of  “mystery”, that hinges on your decisions to make sure the main characters survive their getaway…until dawn (said in my Will Smith “say the title” voice).

I was told to try out the game by a co-worker who said to check it out, and play it with The Tenor (my husband) as a way to see how we would make decisions, and to play it in the dark cause it’s terrifying. We ended up purchasing it!!!

Without giving too much away (and not being done with the game round one, yet) we have already killed off one person successfully…not a brag as the point is to help all 8 of the teens survive.

The game gets a bit gory, and has a supernatural twist worthy of an investigation from Grimm’s Nick Burkhardt! There are PLENTY of jump scares for everyone (take a sip of that vodka, honey). I have legit yelped at some of the jump scares in the game. Ok, I yelled…I yelled at my TV. I can only wonder what the neighbors think considering there’s horror music and sounds plus my yelling.

The graphics can get a bit awkward at times as the game does have a limit on what all you can interact with. But I guess I can understand that, as it’s the control for you.

I would also suggest making your controller be responsive for your torches in the game. It will make it EXTRA eerie!!!

But guys: it’s so much fun!!!

If you have a Playstation 4, do yourself a favor, and get the game!

Until Dawn

And, make it more interesting by playing with your partner, best friends, and (if you’re able to) some alcoholic beverages 😉

I also plan on trying to have a get together where we play the game this way, to see what happens!

Warcraft: A Spoiler-Free Review

Warcraft PosterI’ve not played Warcraft/World of Warcraft. But I’ve been exposed to it via people I love. In fact, my brother playing WoW might be one of the factors that led me to my husband as they played this game together. In fact, the game has a bit of spot in my heart…both warm, and icy cold, but that’s not why we’re here.

My brother, C, and, my husband, The Tenor both have told me a lot about the lore, as well as some manga I’ve read via Tokyopop. I LOVE high fantasy as a movie genre, and since the end of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy (LotR) and Harry Potter (HP) movies I’ve been jonesing for a decent fantasy flick. One that isn’t so “Asylum”/SyFy Original Feature level of corny and…well, poor graphics (looking at you too, OUaT).

Last year in Hall H the hype. Got. REAL! I cannot recall a time when the sides of the cavernous “room” (stadium might be more accurate) were utilized. Legendary brought it’s A-game and I’ve been excited ever since. But I did not have any faith or hope in the cast or script. I just thought I’d have a good time.

The synopsis of the movie from the official site: “The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people, and their home.

Warcraft is easily the best video game adapted to a movie ever (well, so far…I’m waiting for Assassin’s Creed this December)! I realize this isn’t saying much, because it’s also NOT the Marvel Cinematic Universe, nor Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight (of which I will forever sing it’s well deserved praises not merely as a “movie” but as a f**king “FILM”).

While the cast are not “no names” they also aren’t A-List…which works brilliantly, as it lets them shine in their roles, and, lends to their portrayals being just their characters. I also enjoyed the fact that SO MUCH HAPPENS! It left no time for bulls**t plot devices and f**kery!

Characters acted within their established personas responses…it was natural, but STILL progressed the plot. Doubt & skepticism wasn’t just there for “needed” dramatic tension. It was based on the actions of a character. In fact one could argue that there was one point where there should have been doubt for Garona (half orc woman) but, as she is addressed by Lady Taria, we find out that Azeroth (the world where the orcs travel to) has lived in peace with all people and races and species, and that everyone has something they need and usually those things are common amongst each other. I found this extremely relevant to things in the news today, and the movie handled it in a way that wasn’t preachy, nor did it shy away from this (plus, it’s a part of the lore, so whether it’s intentional or not I guess that might not matter to some, but it did to me).

Additionally, the CGI was GREAT! Occasionally I have a difficult time immersing in this, as I’m a huge fan of location-shooting, practical effects, and realism. But this is a BIG FANTASY EPIC!!! And the CGI was actually immersive enough and in IMAX 3D? OMG! It’s lush!!! I’m going to recommend that you pay that extra bit for at least IMAX…and if you can stomach 3D, do it!

The part I was most excited for in Warcraft was Weta’s props! And they were beautiful. They had even made props for the CG characters. The armor, the swords, the hammers, the flintlock pistol: all of it was beautiful! I loved the detail in the designs, and the differentiation between the Orcs clans weapons, and–seperately–the king and his guards swords and armor. BY THE WAY: the royal guard has PoC, and WOMEN!!! Eat that Game of Thrones!!!! (also the queen is black! Again I say: EAT THAT GAME OF THRONES!)

Yes, this movie does require you to suspend some belief (diversity should not be one of those, I’m talking about griffins and sh*t). But that’s fantasy…so, if that’s not your thing, this might not be fun for you (not a diss, I just know some people that’s not their thing…like me with most sports movies). There are some cheesy bits, but not enough to take away for me. Also, the script is a bit dense (see: not overburdened) but the movie lets action speak for it. This I could see being frustrating if you think you’re going into a LotR’s-esque movie full of beautiful and verbose dialogue. This ISN’T this kind of fantasy movie. It’s more action-based, and, moving sh*t forward; which worked for me!

The only thing I wish hadn’t been included is Lothar’s family “issues”. But I haven’t read the canonical source material (though I plan to) so maybe it’s more important than I felt it was. But, I’m also sick of that sort of thing (sorry this isn’t very descriptive, but I’m trying to keep things spoiler free).

Overall, I would say go see it! Be excited for possible sequels, which is honestly a good feeling to have at the end of the movie. It doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, but, I was left wanting more!

I would suggest skipping looking at Rotten Tomatoes for this too. The movie was a great fantasy flick. It was fun, and had a dedication to it’s story it wanted to tell, and dedication to the characters! I didn’t know a lot (like who was who) going in…I just had heard about the orcs and Azeroth. The movie does fill in most of the blanks, and the ones it does not are worthy of a sequel, and, if you go with a friend that’s ever played, they’ll tell you, and you’ll see WHY a sequel  would be bitchin’!

I give it 6.5-7/10 **PEW-PEW**s from a blaster pistol! Not perfect by any means, but damn it’s fun to watch!Blaster Pistol

The Trailer for SING Is Here And Doesn’t Disappoint

I love a good animal based film. After the success of Zootopia and the hype around the upcoming The Secret Life of Pets, I can’t help that feel movies involving talking animals are on the right track to being successful again.

When I first heard about the film SING I thought “Well what on earth do we need a movie about a singing competition with animals for?” but then I followed that up with “Why not? Everything’s been done…”

Today I sat down to watch the trailer and I can without a doubt say that I am NOT disappointed. I am actually kind of excited for it.

Between Taron Egerton (Kingsman: The Secret Service) belting out his smooth lyrics as as gorilla and Scarlett Johasson‘s (of Avengers fame) loud punk rock scream as a porcupine, color me intrigued.

So what exactly is the premise for this already insane sounding movie?

Sing finds Matthew McConaughey as Buster Moon, the dapper koala who oversees a theatre that was once a grand entertainment venue, but is now falling on hard times, with peeling paint and dodgy plumbing. In a last-ditch attempt to restore the venue to its former glory, he decides to stage the world’s greatest singing challenge, throwing the doors open to members of the public who think they have what it takes. (x)

In retrospect, it sounds like something we’ve seen before. And it probably is. But in the big idea of things, I feel like based on the trailer alone this will prove to be a movie filled to the brim with life lessons and entertainment.

Alongside Egerton and Johansson are Seth MacFarlane who plays a crooked mouse, Tori Kelly who plays a shy teenage elephant and Reese Witherspoon who plays a pig with 25 kids and what appears to be an unsupportive husband.

Sing_Character_Image_01_mid - Copy sing_illumination - Copy

SING is set to hit theaters next January but check out the trailer below and share your thoughts with us in the comments or on twitter using @thenerdyrebellion!


SUPERGIRL The Complete First Season Lands on Blu-Ray & DVD August 9, 2016

The first season of Supergirl is landing on Blu-ray and DVD this summer! You can pick up your copy on either Blu-ray or DVD on August 9, 2016 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

You can relive all your favorite season 1 moments including that Supergirl x The Flash crossover! Even though Supergirl is now making the move to the CW, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her in season two!


BURBANK, CA (June 2, 2016) – A new Super Hero will soon be flying into homes as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Supergirl: The Complete First Season on Blu-rayTM and DVD on August 9, 2016. Delivering 10.9 million Total Viewers weekly, Supergirl is the #2 series on CBS amongst Men 18-49, just behind The Big Bang Theory and a Top 5 series on the network with Men 18-34, Men 25-54 and Tweens 12-17*. Fans can purchase the set which, in addition to all 20 exhilarating episodes, contains over an hour of extra content, including the 2015 Comic-Con panel, featurettes, deleted scenes and a gag reel. Supergirl: The Complete First Season is priced to own at $49.99 SRP for the DVD and $54.97 SRP for the Blu-ray including Digital HD. Supergirl: The Complete First Season is also available to own on Digital HD via purchase from digital retailers.


  • 2015 Comic-Con Panel: Warner Bros. Television Presents a Night of DC Entertainment at Comic-Con 2015: Supergirl
  • The Man From Mars: Superman once described J’onn J’onzz as “the most powerful being on the face of the Earth.” This documentary will explore J’onn J’onzz’s current circumstances on Supergirl as the alien who swore an oath to a dying father to protect his daughters.
  • A World Left Behind: Krypton: Kara Zor-El’s home planet of Krypton was destroyed in the opening minutes of the pilot. It was a spectacular, futuristic society filled with mystery and intrigue! This documentary will explore the history of this famous planet and its role and depiction in Supergirl.
  • g Reel
  • Deleted Scenes


  1. Pilot

  2. Stronger Together

  3. Fight or Flight

  4. How Does She Do It?

  5. Livewire

  6. Red Faced

  7. Human for a Day

  8. Hostile Takeover

  9. Blood Bonds

  10. Childish Things

  11. Strange Visitor from Another Planet

  12. Bizarro

  13. For the Girl Who Has Everything

  14. Truth, Justice and The American Way

  15. Solitude

  16. Falling

  17. Manhunter

  18. Worlds Finest

  19. Myriad

  20. Better Angels

Supergirl Blu-ray

Supergirl: The First Season will be out August 9, 2016 on Blu-ray and DVD. You can own the series digitally now. 

(Via: Press release)