The Stuff

28 Days Of Halloween: Gladys’ Favorite 80s Horror Films

We here at The Nerdy Rebellion love Halloween. It’s our favorite holiday. Each team member will share a weeks worth of horror/halloween films they love and that you should check out. I’ll be kicking off the first full week of October with my list!

I love horror films. I am a horror film junkie. I don’t care if it’s good, bad, or WTF. I will watch it all. I absolutely love the films from the 80s. I am a child of the 80s and I grew up watching these films. They are the best and I need everyone to appreciate the radical-ness of these films.

Welcome to Gladys’ 7  days of horror films! 

Sunday October 4 – Critters


There have been four films in the series but the first two are my favorite. The third film is worth watching for a very young Leonardo DiCarpio and the fourth film has Angela Bassest in space. That’s the only good thing about it. For those that don’t know, the film is about these creepy and very hungry aliens called Critters that steal a ship and crash land on Earth. They end up in a farm and start trying to eat a family. After that it’s up to the son to try and save them. In the sequel, the boy returns home to visit his Grandmother. The Critters are back and this time they attempt to eat the entire town.

The film is ridiculous but a great time. It was scary for me when I was younger but I just get a kick out of it now and even though I know how the film ends, I always find myself rooting for the Critters. Critters and Critters 2 are worth owning if you are a fan of 80s creature films. Three and Four are okay but I believe it’s now being released as a 4 in one DVD pack.

Monday October 5 – Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

I hate clowns. They are one of the few things that scary the living shit out of me. Them and spiders. Killer Klowns is one of the greatest clown horror films ever. The story is pretty simple, Killer Klowns land on Earth and 2 teenagers and a copy try to keep them from kidnapping people, wrapping them up in cotton candy, and drinking them from a straw.

They take the idea of clowns and circus to the extreme. They also use circus music in the soundtrack and try to make it 80s,  which is the best way I can describe it. And the attempt to add a love story/love triangle is hilarious. If you hate clowns but want to see some over the top theatrics, you need to own Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

Tuesday October 6 – C.H.U.D.


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller or C.H.U.D. for short is the story of a police captain and a guy who runs a homeless shelter discover people are going missing in their neighborhood and these gross ugly things are attacking them.

The story isn’t the greatest because in the end it got heavily edited for releases, I remember at one point to there was a different version on TV but I love the idea behind the C.H.U.D. and they try so hard to make it really scary. The characters are pretty great and I love Daniel Stern as the Reverend. There was a sequel made that has nothing to do with the original and they tried to make it really more comedic then anything and it was just terrible. Watch that at your own risk.

On another note, WAXWORKS is releasing the soundtrack on vinyl for the very first fucking time and I of course pre ordered it. If you love soundtracks and love C.H.U.D. or do after viewing it for the first time, get your own copy here.

Wednesday October 7 – The Stuff

The Stuff

The Stuff is about 2 old guys finding a puddle of white stuff in the ground and decide for some unknown reason to taste it. Why would you do that? You don’t know where it’s been? Anyways… they realize it tastes amazing and next thing you know it’s being sold in stores and people are dying over this stuff. Seriously, they are dying.

This film still freaks me out to this day just because of the idea of the crap you are putting into yourself could possible kill you. Haha… I don’t care considering the amount of coca cola I consume but The Stuff is an amazing horror film.

Thursday October 8 – Invaders from Mars

Invaders from Mars

Invaders from Mars is a remake and it’s the story of a boy who witness a crash landing of some kind. Slowly his town is being taken over and he tries to save everyone along with the help of the school nurse.

The aliens are amazing in the film. They aren’t scary but they are oh so cool. The humans that are being controlled by them are the scariest part of the entire film. The story isn’t the best either but the creations of the aliens used in the film is abso-fucking-lutely  amazing and worth a watch this Halloween!

Friday October 9 – The Blob

The Blob

The Blob is another film that was remade in the 80s and it’s another thing that crashes on Earth, folks fuck with it, and then the pink gooey thing starts to melt and eat the town people.

The way the melt the people in this film is amazing. I’m sorry if the gif grosses you out but I need you to see the greatness of The Blob. There’s not much more to say but watch it!

Saturday October 10 – Gremlins


Not only is Gremlins a Christmas movie and the best one ever, it’s also the greatest horror movie! I don’t care what you say and I don’t care what route the second film took. The Gremlins needs to be on folks Halloween watch list. Those damn Gremlins are mean, rude, and crude. They just don’t give a fuck and what to watch the town burn.

There you have it! My week of Halloween 80s horror films. You can find most all of these on DVD  though The Stuff might be a bit of work for you to find.

What are your favorite 80s horror films? I’m always on the look out for more! Let me know in the comment or tweet them at me @UsagiMylene!

And next week Gwen will have her list of Halloween favorites for the week.!

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