Tag Archives: comics

Man Vs Rock: The Comic You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Now

vol 1

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo down in Los Angeles. I made it my mission to connect with as many indie comic book creators or just self published creators as I can because even the little rad guys need some love too.

I stumbled across this booth that was promoting a comic called Man vs Rock. The guy who was telling me about it was so jazzed about it that I couldn’t help but smile about it and even laugh a few times. It’s just that ridiculously great.

So, what is Man vs. Rock even about? Well here..let me just give you this little tidbit from the comic:


Yeah. You  read it correct. It’s about a guy named Buck Stone (get it?) who think that rocks are out to get us because of how we’ve treated them all throughout history. You think it was Jesus that was put on the cross? No. It was actually a rock. And rocks are pissed.


This comic is filled with rock puns and references to various rock like pop culture things like the song ‘We Will Rock You’ to satisfy all of the rock-like things you need in your life. I would recommend reading this if you’re over the age of 18 or have rock parental consent because it’s pretty graphic in numerous ways and probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

As for me, I think it’s great. It’s just the right amount of raunchy and the right amount of ‘what the fuckery’ to make you want to keep going. I guarantee that you’ll have a laugh reading this.

If you want to get a free preview or buy Man vs. Rock for yourself, head on over to their website to snag both as well as check out some of their content!