Category Archives: Comics

Asgardians of the Galaxy a.k.a. Thor Ragnarok

Holy Odin’s Ravens!!!

How amazing is the trailer for Thor Ragnarok (or as I’m actively going to call it thanks to my friend Ryan: “Asgardians of the Galaxy“)

I’ve not been excited for a Thor movie in a long time. And, though I did enjoy the first one enough, let’s be honest: they’ve been pretty weak. This one looks like it will be more fun, and actually be a bit more about Thor than his (insanely handsome) brother Loki.

As you too may have noticed, Marvel went for a more 80’s VHS-Future feel that reminds me and a few other folks I know of the surprise (even a surprise to Marvel I’m sure) 2014 hit that was Guardians of the Galaxy. Bitchin’ soundtrack aside, the movie has a lot of great looking elements and style. And more pops of color that (to me) bring the extraterrestrial Marvel movies together. I am truly excited to see a more cohesive palette of colors as we head into the Infinity War. Additionally, I am hella excited for Valkyrie and Hela (oh the terrible puns I will be making)! Hel is one of my favorite Norse mythology characters (mostly because I was introduced to her in K.A. Applegate’s post Animorphs series Everworld). And Valkyrie is SERIOUS cosplay goals right now! I love her armor and the shot of her dragging Thor around with the smirk? GURRRRL! I’m here for it! Also, Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster and Dr. Strange are in it too!!!

And the Hulk bit? Frakking PRICELESS!!! “He’s a friend from work!” gets me every time I watch the trailer (which has been a lot)!

What are your thoughts on the trailer? Are you stoked for it?

12 New X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Character Posters

We are a little over a month away until we get to witness yet another (probably) amazing installments of the X-Men franchise. X-Men: Apocalypse has us all kinda of excited because lets face it, we’re all on the biggest Oscar Isaac kick. Even though he looks…less than attractive as Apocalypse, we’re still here for him.

We’ve got twelve brand new character posters to get us excited and can I just say I love Evan Peters Quicksilver poster. That smirk got me good. Also, hello there Archangel. Looking mighty good there!


Synopsis: Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

X-Men: Apocalypse opens May 27th.

STAR WARS: HAN SOLO Comic Mini Series Coming Soon!

Everyone’s favorite scoundrel is getting his own mini series!! Marvel announced the newest character to get a limited solo run and it’s Han Solo!

Han Solo

Han Solo will be joining the ranks of Princess Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca who have gotten their own five issue run. The series will be out starting in June and will be written by Marjorie Liu (X-23, Astonishing X-men) with art by Mark Brooks (Amazing Spider-man, Uncanny X-Force) and cover art by Lee Bermejo.

Hearing the news that Marjorie Liu would be writing a whole new adventure for my favorite smuggler had me spazzing in my seat. I love her work on X-23, one of my favorite comic series and she writes some amazing Jubilee stories.

In an interview with EW, Marjorie Liu said “He doesn’t think about politics, and suddenly he’s thrust into this life-or-death struggle for beliefs he didn’t even know he cared about — and it has changed him. He doesn’t want to believe 
that change, but he has.”

Marvel was also nice enough to share a couple of preview pages! Check it out:

Image via: Marvel
Image via: Marvel

I already added the title to my pull list at my local comic shop! Are you guys excited for the newest mini series to join the Star Wars line up? I can’t wait to see more of Han and Leia together as well. I’m throwing it out there, any chance I get to read more of Leia’s adventures even if it’s a tiny cameo and if it’s includes Han, I’m all over it. Haha.. How about you? Tweet at me and we can chat and spazz out over this announcement together!

Image via: Marvel

Han Solo has finally entered his ship into the Dragon Void Run – an infamous high-stakes race across the stars. You know, the race Han has dreamt of winning. Only there’s a catch – his entry into this legendary race is a top-secret undercover mission for Princess Leia and the Rebellion! Will he keep his mind on the mission? More importantly – can he manage to pull it off while still maintaining his lead in the race?!


On Sale in June!

(Via: EW and MARVEL Press Release)

Man Vs Rock: The Comic You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Now

vol 1

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo down in Los Angeles. I made it my mission to connect with as many indie comic book creators or just self published creators as I can because even the little rad guys need some love too.

I stumbled across this booth that was promoting a comic called Man vs Rock. The guy who was telling me about it was so jazzed about it that I couldn’t help but smile about it and even laugh a few times. It’s just that ridiculously great.

So, what is Man vs. Rock even about? Well here..let me just give you this little tidbit from the comic:


Yeah. You  read it correct. It’s about a guy named Buck Stone (get it?) who think that rocks are out to get us because of how we’ve treated them all throughout history. You think it was Jesus that was put on the cross? No. It was actually a rock. And rocks are pissed.


This comic is filled with rock puns and references to various rock like pop culture things like the song ‘We Will Rock You’ to satisfy all of the rock-like things you need in your life. I would recommend reading this if you’re over the age of 18 or have rock parental consent because it’s pretty graphic in numerous ways and probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

As for me, I think it’s great. It’s just the right amount of raunchy and the right amount of ‘what the fuckery’ to make you want to keep going. I guarantee that you’ll have a laugh reading this.

If you want to get a free preview or buy Man vs. Rock for yourself, head on over to their website to snag both as well as check out some of their content!